In the summer of 1998, one man finds himself in a strange seaside town on England's east coast, in search of an old flame. But when tragedy strikes, Russell Coldron begins to uncover a sinister mystery at the heart of Kingstide.

The Tide is a mystery roleplaying duet - one player and one GM working together to tell a story with the help of immersive sound design. Follow us on Instagram for the latest episode plus behind-the-scenes information.




Coming 17 October 2024

Harriet Wilmer-Richards

Harriet Wilmer-Richards

Sound Designer

Harriet is a sound recordist and designer with a love for storytelling and TTRPGs. Deep in the background of every episode of The Tide you may hear Harriet scribbling notes and gasping dramatically as she records the podcast. She also designs the world of Kingstide to bring Riley and Matt's words to life.

Matt Turner

Matt Turner


Matt is a podcaster and voice actor with a flair for making things sound weird or making you laugh while feeling distinctly sad for some reason. Russell is the least bizarre character Matt's ever played - you can tell because he doesn't try to eat a heart, turn into goo, or argue with the sun.

Riley Routh

Riley Routh

Game Moderator

Riley is a writer, editor, designer, and all-round creative dork. In The Tide, they are the Game Moderator, meaning they come up with the overall arc of the story and play the supporting cast. They also edit the show, mainly to cut out all of Matt's best bits.